Sunday, December 8, 2013

The DREAMS DO COME TRUE Tour - Part 25, FNB Protea Glen mall( Soweto)

                                           QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS

Question/Comment( Zweli): "( Touching on the period of 16 Days of Activism For No Violence
                                                   Against Women And Children, in the middle of which we are.) The job of grooming men to be respectful towards women starts when they are young. And it is the responsibility of both parties( mother and father). I teach my young son to respect girls. I encourage him to be a gentleman by always helping a girl child when the latter is carrying a heavy load, for example.

Answer/Comment( Thapelo): "I cannot agree with you more Zweli. But I think the biggest 
                                                      influence on boy children comes from their mothers. If at home
a boy child always gets his way, he is likely to expect the outside world to dance to his tune as 
well. And when the world doesn't, he will resort to aggression/violence to get his way, especially
against weaker opponents( women in this instance).

Question( Zakes): "Did you( Thapelo) have to leave your 9 to 5 job to achieve your book dream?
                                 Couldn't you have written the your book in your spare time( on weekends, for
example) while still working full time?

Answer( Thapelo): "That's a very interesting question. Indeed most writers write their first book
                                  while still holding down a full time job. It is only when/if the book becomes a 
bestseller that they leave their steady jobs to go write full time.
To be honest with you I was not disciplined enough to use my spare time to write. I had been having this book dream for a long time and it was not happening. So I decided to take a chance at giving it my full attention and this necessitated me leaving my full time job.
But I must tell you that it was not easy. Trying to concentrate on your writing when there is not 
enough food to eat at home or when you have no place to stay is very, very difficult."

Question( Morne): "What you write in your daily journal( Step No 4), can you share with
                                                 other people?"

Answer( Thapelo): "From my experience, your daily journal is your own private space. It is where
                                  you will go when things are not going well on this journey to your dream. It 
serves as your personal motivational tool, especially at the beginning of the journey. This is 
the period when it is hardest to have faith. Other people my not necessarily see your vision.
Ultimately, though, it is your journal. You can share its contents with other parties if you wish."

   And so it went at this FNB Protea Glen mall DDCT talk. Getting to debate and discuss some points related to the talk was very refreshing.

                                                  SOME THANK YOU's
- Morne Tyatyeka( the Manager) - For the permission. And the sharing of ideas after the
                                                          talk. Hoping that your own big dream comes true, my
brother. You now have the tools( Ha! Ha! Ha!).
- Ausi Elga( the Branch Admin Manager) - For putting the logistics in place. And for 
                                                                       the welcoming chat before moving inside.
- FNB staff( bo- Zweli, Zakes et al) - For lending me your ears. 


Our FEEL GOOD of the week:

"If we feed information and data into our subconscious mind/creative
mechanism to the effect that we ourselves are unworthy, inferior,
undeserving, incapable (a negative self-image) this data is processed 
and acted upon as any other data in giving us the 'answer' in the 
form of objective experience."

Maxwell Maltz (from the book - PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS)








1 comment:

Steve Finnell said...
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