Sunday, November 21, 2010

Local Pick'n Pay Star Cashiers, Emails from bo-Mpho Kgomo, 'On The FGM Ts Sales Front - Part 13'

* She looks up when you get to her till.Then as she greets you,she smiles.This is Millicent Peloeng.She is a cashier at the Protea North Pick'n Pay.
This kind of attentiveness to customers from a 'check out' lady is refreshing.
Most cashiers are OK.In some instances,however,you do feel like you are just a number that they need to process quickly and get out of the way.The greeting may be there,but it is done with no ethusiasm..
Not with Millicent.Most of the time she is really 'there' with you.
If you happen to land in my neighbourhood,and you end up at our Pick'n Pay,ask for Millicent.
Tell her I sent you.

* This email that we received from Mpho Kgomo.This parable touches on what the expression - 'ubuntu' - is really about.

"A mouse looked through a crack in the wall to see a farmer and his wife open a package.
'What food might this contain?',the mouse wondered.
He was devasted to discover that it was a mousetrap.

Retreating to the farmyard,the mouse proclaimed this warning:
'There is a mousetrap in the house!'
The chicken clucked and scratched,raised her head and said,'Mr Mouse,I can tell that this is
of great concern to you,but it is of no consequence to me.I cannot be bothered by it.'

The mouse then turned to the pig and told him,
'There is a mousetrap in the house!'
The pig sympathised,but said,'I am very sorry Mr Mouse,but there is nothing I can do about it.'

The mouse turned to the cow and said,
'There is a mousetrap in the house!'
The cow said,'Wow Mr Mouse,I am sorry for you,but it's no skin off my nose.'

So,the mouse returned to the house,head down and dejected,to face the farmer's mousetrap...alone.
That very night a sound was heard throughout the house.It was a sound of a mousetrap catching
its prey.The farmer's wife rushed to see what was caught.In the darkness,she did not see it.
It was a venomous snake whose tail was caught in the trap.And the snake bit her.

The farmer rushed her to the hospital.
When she returned home she still had a fever.Everyone knows that you treat fever with a fresh
chicken soup.So the farmer took his knife to the farmyard for the soup's main ingredient.

But his wife's sickness continued.Friends and neghbours came to sit with her around the clock.
To feed them,the farmer butchered the pig.
But,alas,the farmer's wife did not get well.........she died.

So many people came for her funeral that the farmer had to slaughter the cow in order to provide
the meat for all of them at the funeral luncheon.

And the mouse looked upon it all,from the crack in his wall,with great sadness.It was instructive though.Next time his neighbour has a problem,he will never say it's not his problem.

Each of us is a vital thread in one another's life.When one of us is threatened,we are all at risk."


This week I had to contend with the elements.It rained at the beginning of the week.This forced me to stay indoors.This was a setback of sorts.When the week starts I am usually raring to go.Going out on the streets every day is a form of work for me,like those who do 9-5.If I don't work,I won't earn.

So what does one do when stuck indoors?Well,I did some reading.I am currently reading a book called
A Google Story by David Vise.This book is highly recommended.It is about how Google - the search engine company - started,and how it got so big so quickly.

By the end of the week the rain had cleared up however.With these clear and beautiful blue skies,I hit the ground running.I wanted to make up for the lost days.And my hard work paid off.I sold
two FGM t-shirts.This was really good.The last time I sold two t-shirts in one week was more than a month ago.
It must rain more often,I told myself.

FGM Ts Roll Call of Honour

94.Thando Dlamini
95.Ntombi Ndaba

Thank you guys.



Our FEEL GOOD poem of the week:

Too Much?

To greet me,
And smile.
Is it too much?
Is it a schlep?
To say let me find out,
When you don't know.
To say have a nice day,
When we are done.
Is it a drag to spread some cheer,
To add to the positive energy,
By being nice?
As Millicent does.
Is it too much really?
Surely not.




Let us know at - feelgoodmovement@gmail.com

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